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  • Writer's pictureMy2Centz

whispers of time

Updated: Aug 25

Poem by Kimmy Dodson, for Brad's daughter Jasmine

In the cradle of night, when dreams take flight,  

There's a voice you may hear, soft as the light.  

A father's love, though distant and far,  

Guides you gently, like the North Star.

Years have slipped by, like sand through glass,  

But his thoughts of you, they everlast.  

He’s seen your smile in every sunbeam,  

And held your hand in every dream.

Life carved a path, one hard to walk,  

But in his heart, you’re the sweetest talk.  

The words unspoken, the stories untold,  

Are kept in his soul, like precious gold.

You may wonder, you may feel alone,  

But know there's a place where love has grown.  

Beyond the bars, beyond the walls,  

His heart answers every time you call.

One day, time will be kind,  

The past, a shadow, left behind.  

But until then, in every dawn,  

Remember, dear daughter, his love lives on.

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